Create An Invoice From An Estimate In QuickBooks

Published on 18 December 2020 at 12:57

Just how to Convert an Estimate to an Invoice in QuickBooks

Whether your company sells services, products or combinations of this two, you provide estimates for customer approval in advance of starting work with individual jobs or projects. Turning a QuickBooks estimate into an invoice assures that the billing proceeds directly through the line items and pricing that your customer approved, and simplifies both your costing as well as your billing procedures. As soon as your customer signs off on the costs you present, you can generate an invoice using QuickBooks' built-in capabilities.


1 Verify that QuickBooks' estimates feature is active. Open the "Edit" menu and choose "Preferences" to open the Preferences dialog box. Click "Jobs and Estimates" within the preference category list in the left region of the window and choose the "Company Preferences" tab at the very top. Set the air buttons below "Do you really Create Estimates?" to "Yes." To produce an invoice for a share of your estimate, set the radio buttons for "Do you really Do Progress Invoicing?" to "Yes." Click the "OK" button to put on your preferences.

2 Click the "Customer Center" tab below the QuickBooks menu bar. Find the "Customers & Jobs" tab and choose either the customer or perhaps the project name to that you simply attached the estimate. Open the "Show" drop-down menu and select "Estimates," then double-click regarding the estimate from where you wish to invoice.

3 click the "Create Invoice" item towards the top of the estimate screen. If QuickBooks displays an "Items Not Assigned Classes" alert, click on the "Save Anyway" button to go to the invoice screen.

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4 Set the materials costs on your own invoice to "100%" or your desired percentage in the "Total %" column. QuickBooks automatically applies 100 % of labor costs when you convert an estimate to an invoice, however you could need to set the percentages for materials costs manually. Lower the labor-cost percentages if you'd like to submit progressive billing for under the total job cost.

5 Click "Print" towards the top of the invoice screen to send your completed invoice to your printer. Activate the "To Be Printed" check box in the bottom left to include the invoice to a set for later output.

6 Click the "Save & Close" button to save your invoice and close the window. To create another invoice, click on the "Save & New" button instead.

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